Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Beauty and Communion > Page 2


beauty luminous with Beauty

quietly embodying the majestic Aloneness

Page 2

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when introduced to Beauty by Beauty
in the one Moment

harmony arises, felt in the body,
Beauty corresponding with beauty

beauty will be located, even if pervasive, in space
Beauty remains secretive, in Solitude

Beauty always present, sense-less,
finds opportunity for reflection of Itself in a sensed beauty

sensed beauty differs based on the seer
sense-less Beauty is totally other of seer and beauty

the beauty may be named, as in an object or objects, or unnamed, as pervasive
while Beauty is so is nameless, not locate-able

beauty is a contraction of Infinity, like all creation,
Beauty opening beauty to expansion, at varying degrees ~
based on the capacity of the recipient to receive beauty-with-Beauty

the fruitage felt bodily is Intimacy
and the quiet intensity may lead one to seek escape

we each are ready for varied degrees
of Heaven, some more, some less

learn to rest in this beatific Intimacy
sensing the escape before the escape

your capacity to embody Glory grows
as you allow Glory to subsist felt-within

this Intimacy ~ close beyond close ~
being sublime quiet, immaculate joy, delightful affection

acclimating to resting in this Glorious appearing
you, as embodied form, are clothed with like Nature

you become progressively a means of blessing
in being beauty luminous with Beauty

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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Beauty and Communion > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024